Technical services of Engineering, Project Management and Commissioning in Industrial Plants

Grupo Cartago

Grupo CARTAGO offers engineering, management and supervision services for construction works and commissioning at industrial and petrochemical plants, thermal power stations, renewable resource facilities, and nuclear plants.

Since 1990 we have been working with some of the major electrical, petrochemical and engineering companies on projects developed in Spain and abroad. Our corporate culture is based on the adaptation to the needs and specific challenges faced by each client, as well as to the requirements for excellent on the service and the assurance of quality and safety.

Grupo Cartago’s enormous potential stems from its excellent team of professionals whose experience and commitment allow us to offer our clients the assets which we believe are essential for any company: the quality and trustworthiness of the performed works, the agility of our responses, and the meeting of deadlines.

Without any doubt, our best asset is our human potential!

te llamamos

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