Grupo Cartago

Grupo Cartago was founded in 1990 with the creation of Cartago Ingenieros. Over the years, the creation of several companies has been shaping the company, making it nowadays one of the largest Spanish companies whose business focuses on the management and supervision of construction and the commissioning of industrial plants, both in the domestic and the international market.

Currently, Grupo Cartago is integrated by the following companies, located in Madrid and Murcia:

  • Cartago Consulting, S.L.
  • Cartago Ingeniería y Consultoría, S.L
  • Cartago Ingeniería Técnica, S.L.

And internationally integrated by the following companies and offices :

  • Cartago Consultoría y Servicios, S. de R.L. de C.V. ​located in Mexico)
  • Protea Ingenieros S. de R.L. de C.V. (con domicilio social en México)
  • Cartago Consulting LTD (​located in BC, Canada)
  • MESTREPOPEIA LDA (​located in Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Cartago Consulting (PTY) LTD (​located in Port Elizabeth, Sudáfrica)
  • Cartago Ingeniería Técnica, S.A de CV ​located in Mexico)
  • Cartago Consulting, INC. (​located in USA)

Grupo Cartago has witnessed a spectacular growth since its fundation, but it has been in recent years when this growth was more pronounced. Over the last six years its staff of professionals has doubled and the range of services has also expanded. Today Grupo Cartago stands as the leading Spanish group in the area of Supervision with a potential staff of over 200 professionals. Its professionals and services have a great prestige within the sector.

Grupo Cartago has also expanded beyond the Spanish borders supervising projects and works in more than 35 countries: Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, England, Germany, Holland, Albania , Russia , Latvia , Lithuania, Greece, Turkey, Algeria , Egypt , Morocco , South Africa , Angola, Benin , Saudi Arabia , Qatar , Oman, UAE, USA, Canada, Mexico , Panama , Argentina , Brazil, Colombia , Peru , Chile , China , India, Bangladesh, Emirates, etc due to an increasing international services demand.



Presencia en proyectos en más de 35 países con oficinas permanentes abiertas en Mexico, Canadá, Sudáfrica y Portugal.

Servicios y Proyectos

Más de 1250 Servicios técnicos de Supervisión e Ingeniería desarrolladas en diversos Proyectos y Obras de ENERGIA y OIL&GAS


Más de 200 profesionales, ingenieros y técnicos cualificados y experimentados que han formado y forman parte de nuestra empresa desarrollando diferentes servicios en todos los proyectos en los que hemos participado.

Años de experiencia

Más de 25 años de experiencia en el sector desarrollando todo tipo de servicios técnicos de Ingeniería y de Supervisión de construcción y puesta en marcha.